Suntrap Garden

Apple Pruning Referesher Session – Saturday 6 February 10am – 12.00 Noon

Now is the time of year to be thinking about pruning your apple trees while they are still dormant.

How to prune properly is always the difficult part, you should make sure that the centre of the tree is relatively clear of growth, remove all weak, dead or diseased growth and keep the tree within the space available.  Always remember that apples will grow on wood produced the previous year, so always leave a good proportion (say 50%) of the previous year’s growth.

If you would like to find out the correct way to prune why not come along to our Apple Pruning Referesher Session on the 6 February for £10.00.  It is being taken by George Anderson, from the Beechgrove Garden, at the Caley’s Demonstration Allotment at Bridgend, near the Inch, Edinburgh.  You can either make your own way to the Inch or transport is available from Suntrap if required at a small extra cost.    Bring along a hot drink, strong footwear and secateurs.  To book a place call Suntrap on 0131 339 7283 or email

Bridgend Allotments Community

Will be holding their Health Project’s Third Annual Potato Day.


There will be talks, crafts and lots of activities to take part in.  Seed potatoes for sale.  And, of course, there will be bangers and mash.

Why not come along to Inch House Community Centre on Sunday 22 February between 11.00 am and 2.00 pm. For more details give them a call on 0131c 664 9559.  It’s going to be a great day out.